Board of Directors
**Board meeting minutes are available upon request by contacting Maricka Oglesby, Chief of Staff and Director of Board Relations, at or (410) 235-1382.
Baltimore Public Media Board of Directors
July 1, 2024– June 30, 2025
Franklyn Baker
William (Will) Baker
Sandra Banisky
James Piper Bond
Meredith Borden
Jannette (Jan) Lake Dates
Jonathan Fishman
Jonathan (Jon) D. Hart
Alan Hoff, Secretary
Michael (Mike) Karas
Robert Little
Lisa Manzone, Immediate Past Chair
Dale McArdle
James (Mac) McComas
Daymon Pope, Treasurer
Chrissie Powell
Joey Price
Ann Quinn
Gayon (Guy) Sampson
Anne Schelle
Bradley (Brad) Schlaggar, Chair
Laura Speer, Vice Chair
Craig Swagler, Ex-Officio
Meadow Lark Washington
Sanford (Sandy) Wu
WYPR Founding Board Members
In 2001, Johns Hopkins University decided to sell WJHU. While there were several groups that wanted the radio station, Jim McGill of Johns Hopkins sought a buyer that consisted primarily of local citizens, that would keep the NPR public radio format, that had professional broadcast management, and that had the resources to complete a sale. A group assembled by long-time broadcaster, Tony Brandon, met all the criteria and the purchase agreement was drafted. Mercantile Bank (now PNC) agreed to lend the necessary funds for the transaction if it was guaranteed by community citizens.
These individuals came together to secure the bank loan for the purchase of WYPR – essentially ensuring the continuation and future of a public radio station for Baltimore and Maryland. We remain grateful to these guarantors or Founding Board Members for making WYPR, as it is today, possible.
Barbara Bozzuto
Anthony S. Brandon
William C. Clarke III
Darielle & Earl Linehan
Jonathan Melnick
Charles H. Salisbury, Jr.
Albert Williams